Summer on ice
For summer 2023, Eight Sleep launched their “Summer Edit 2023”, the first edition of Eight Sleep’s artistic representation of sleep throughout the seasons.

This won a Gold Winner in theGraphis 2024 Advertising
Wireframe + Prototype
Visual design
Digital product design
Marketing website: 1 weeks
Production: 3 weeks
Art Direction: Jisoo Sim 🚀
Photographer: Elena Iv-skaya
Brand Direction: Ryan Groffie
Design: Jisoo Sim 🚀, Maria Salgado
3D Animation: Rafa Goreieb
Marketing: Sabina Blankenberg
Engineering: Nick Xitco
We wanted to convey the refreshing feeling of the Eight Sleep Pod through artistic imagery. We wanted to convey the following: Each summer there are certain things you can depend on: play, rest, and of course, heat. There’s nothing quite like the joy of cooling down from the sun’s unrelenting rays with a dip in the sea, a left turn of the air conditioner, or a tray of freezer-burned popsicles. Eight Sleep’s mission has always been to refresh you from the heat, every night, simply and easily. With the Pod’s best-in-class cooling, spend your whole summer on ice.
Eight Sleep saw great responses online from their campaign, posting it on socials, using in email campaigns, and their website. Their email campaigns using the imagery saw a 1.8X increase in revenue during their launch.
Eight Sleep's 2022 Year in Sleep
Campaign, Design System, Website, Video